
This blog is based on the [I had made a comment on this blog and posting it here as an entry]

Recruiting, selecting and placing a right candidate at the right place looks very good on paper, but it's too tough to practice.

Attitude is very subjective and it is something that has been an area of interest for researchers, academicians and even professionals too. We all know that attitude is the base of any candidate's true potential. But, what I have observed in this regards, is: 1. None of us has absolutely positive or negative attitude. It depends on the situation. For example, I am good at creativity, language, written-communication, analysis. But, I hate moving around, working under people in pressure to achieve targets and so on. So, let us say, that luckily I have found a job that suits my attitude, and that's why I am working very positively. On the other hand, a challenging job of marketing is to do, and I would display negative attitude!

As a lecturer of MBA, I have observed that today's youth is too fast, wants fast money, believe in litte ethics and ambition is too high. It is not bad to have an ambition, but for me, one should have ambition as per AUKAT, or a realistic ambition. This sounds negative, but according to me it is more realistic, not necessarily all agree with this.

For companies, I have only one advice, keep a strict eye on the person you select, today's youth is too fast and that make them disloyal!

It was a too long comment, probably bigger that the blog entry itself for which it was meant. Anyways, I am writing after a long time and it feels good to express thouhgts.

--Pathik B. Variya


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