The show must go on...

Hmmm...Looks like I am relieved. Some things were really hurting me for last FEW MONTHS, which have ended now. Although, it was a bad incident from social point of view, I have really found it as a reliever. My faith and trust have been completely shaken due to this, but then, how can I allow my trust to break due to one incident? Although, this incident does challenge the way I think, the way I see the world, the way I take everyone on face value, the way I AM.....

But, every cloud has a silver line, like that this particular incident did teach a lot of lessons. 1st, it taught me that the traditions, the social thoughts, are not baseless. 2nd, anything available easily or free, or before one deserves it, is not appreciated it, and that I should refrain from giving anyone anything that one does not deserve. 3rd, you cannot predict anything in life!

Of course, I shall have to stay highly positive and should not allow this particular incident to generalize my experience. All people are not same. I am sure there are good and straight forward people in this world too.

For me, life has taken a PAUSE OR A STILL right now. For me, for the time being, my career is my love and my parents are my top priority. This incident has given them a small setback too and I shall have to ensure its effect does not exist for a longer time for them.

All in all, I am in a trauma right now, which shall exist for a few days and will disappear. The time shall cure everything. I am sure whatever happened was for the good of both of us and that the God did hint something positive in it which will be understood in future. Almighty is great and when he gives the grief, he will also give the happiness. These are all his blessings and I am leaving myself to Him only.

THE SHOW MUST GO ON........................

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