The Theory of Karma

Now a days, I've been experimenting with my teaching, and under that, I've introduced a new subject at my University named ETHICS AND VALUES IN MANAGEMENT. Though this is a typical area of Management, I felt that it touches all of us somewhere in our lives. If we put aside all the theoretical views of Ethics, the simplest definition that emerges of it would be, "Something that is RIGHT for the MAXIMUM number of people".

Recently in my professional life, I've seen a lot of mal-practices or say, unethical practices. I was pretty upset by them. I saw many people reaching the heights just with some unethical practices while I had to take a long rout to reach the same height. At this point of time, I know of people who did not deserve the success, yet they MANAGED it. It really made me mad at times. I also saw people playing with others [using others/manipulate others-ah whatever!], for their personal achievement. I also saw people not delivering their promise[sss]. I also saw great IITians and IIMians, the so called highest intellectuals of the country, easily befooling others. This is just bool's sheet! I am sure, as a reader, you would also agree with the this paragraph and you would have also had such expriences in one or another form and at different point of times in your life so far.

Then, after I read a book, "The Theory of Karma"- purely based on The Geeta - the rarest and the best book of Philosophy, I've ever read. Though, it was tough to understand the theory, what I could conclude after reading it that, whatever happens with us, is nothing but the reflections of our KARMAS. At times, we may see people being unethical and yet escaping. It happens because their GOOD KARMAS are still having their effect. But, the time their GOOD KARMAS leave them alone, I tell you, they have to pay back everything with interest.

Dhritrashtra asked Shree Krishna why the hell he lost his hundred children and why he was born blind although apparently he did not do any bad karma during his life time. Shree Krishna replied that he had killed some 100 birds' children in previous birth and also because of him, a few birds had become blind! Another example is of Bhishma Pitamah. He had killed an ant with a needle and that is why he was made to sleep on the bed of arrows for days.

I was really surprised to see that if we apply the Theory of Karma, we can easily justify everything happening in this world - be it any war - or any natural calamity or anything good too. You know, at times a person may have continuing success in spite of not deserving it, like a piece of paper flies with the wind. But a bird flies on its own. The time the wind is over the piece of paper will fall back on the earth, while the bird will continue to fly high.

In short, the world is round. Whatever you give, will always come back to you-at the right time-in the right form. KHUDA GHAR MEIN DER BHI NAHI HAI OR ANDHRER BHI NAHI HAI!!
I hope you found this little piece of paragraph useful. Whatever your feedback is, please feel free to send it on
==Pathik Variya==


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