Coming to IIMA is bound to be a unique experience for anyone - and so is for me. The time I had joined MBA and came to know about IIMA's Faculty Development Programme [http://www.iimahd.ernet.in/programmes/fdp.htm], I had decided in my mind, in life, I shall attend this programme once at any cost. But, as luck would have it for me stored, I was lucky to see my dream turning into reality within just three years after completing MBA!

I shall stay here for four months. As, I complete ten days of my stay at IIMA, I thought to share the experience with everyone around. The programme, like all other programmes of IIMA, is highly demanding in nature. First of all, it is difficult to get in it as admission criteria is tough and so is the competition. And, the tougher part is, after you enter, you've to forget the word SLEEP. The case study method is such that, if you do not read in advance, you just cannot catch up as to what is happening in the class!

But, what I was more more impressed with its environment. The library timings are from 8 AM TO 2 AM - probably indicating that you are expected to read that much! Library is fully A/C. Named after great scientist, Vikrambhai, the library has all the journals and books on Management, one could imagine. It is believed to be one of the larget libraries of Asia [of Management]. Library journals can be accessed from laptop and CMIE database are also available, making research easy for the teachers.

The faculty members are exceptional, their qualifications, their research work, their communication ability, is really world class.

There are daily assignments, weekly assignments, term assignments, exams,[everything is mentioned in plural!] and so on. I do not think I'd have read this much at any level of my life. But, one fantastic aspect of this is, that once everyone around you is reading, you have to read, you cannot sleep, when people are discussing the stuff in their groups!

Before coming here, I had no idea, how powerful MS-Excel was. I mean, it can do almost anything for you, from calculating budget to finding NPV, almost anything.

In short, now I PARTLY understand why IIMA is IIMA!


Dear Mr:Pathik, Hope this piece of communication of mine will find you in pin of health and height of spirit. Yes your posting(WHY IIMA IS IIMA)is really encouraging for those who could not visit or attend yet IIMA.

Simply great experience sharing as this will also encourage us to be at IIMA in near future.

We could go through the same as our Principal Mr:G.Krishnamurthi has given us the copy. Thanks to our respected sir.

Hope in near future you will continue to post your experience on said topic so that we can also understand the brand IIMA.

Wish you all the best,

Thanking you,

Truly yours,

Shantanu Chakravarty,
Unknown said…

Nice to read your comment.

Your experience is because of the attitude of stakeholders which is a result of culture at IIMA.

Since the culture has made a difference, it is very difficult to replicate by other management institutes which aspire to be like IIMA


Sudhir Yadav

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