What happens when a child gets a new electronic toy? What happens when a college going youngster gets a bike? Something similar happened with me when I got the first voting rights! It was the last Gujarat Assembly in which I had voted for the first time.

I was studying in Baroda. My hostel was of BAPS (Bochasan Vasi Shree Akshar Purushottam Sanstha)- A socio-religious organization. The saints were our guardians and we passed most of the time with them. My studies were also going on and so it was unlikely that I would come all the way to Bhavnagar for just voting! It would cost me time and the loss of studies and fair amount of money(a point which every hosteller can’t ignore!).
Now, the real story starts. I was in my hostel and the next day there was my turn for voting was to follow. I was not going so naturally, I was least concerned with it. But, it was at 11 pm when one of the respected saints, Shree Balavir Swami called us! He began on a surprising node, “Who of you would like to go to their homes?!”. All of us were shocked! The person, who generally bargains for not allowing us to go home was offering us to go home! Then he insisted that all of us—who go home—must vote! He virtually forced us to go home and vote and come back!

Firstly, I thought it was too late to go. Then, I changed my mind and convinced my room partner Jitu Patel to accompany me to go with me. And, we packed our luggage as fast as possible and started walking. Our hostel is situated in Atladara, which is 7 km from the station from where most of the frequencies for going outside Baroda was available. We walked for around 2 kms and then we got one rickshaw. He just drew the rickshaw from the awkward areas!

He said that there was some tension in the air as the election was just following the unfortunate Godhara incident and that there could happen anything in our journey! We were forced to change our mind for once, but still the young blood in our body didn’t allow us to return and we started our journey in a private bus at 12 am. The rout from Baroda to Bhavnagar takes nearly 4 hours to finish. We were under a lot of tension during the journey and could not sleep. We curiously watched outside the window whenever the bus even slowed its speed or some noise on the road was there!

What followed was never a smooth experience. We were in Bhavnagar at 4 am. To the great surprise of us, there was not a single rickshaw to hire! So, we had to walk down to my home for about 3 kms at that dangerous time! We were tired and tensed and add to it some dogs ran after us! We were heavily loaded and so it was not fun to run! Because of the environment of the elections, police was also there and checked us and our luggage time to time, each time causing some troubles to the poor children!!!!!

I had not informed back home that I was coming to Bhavnagar as it could have disturbed my parents and they might not be able to sleep for the whole night. So, when I tapped my door, there was a noise from my father in an angry tone, “KON CHHE TYA?”( WHO IS THERE?). And it took almost 10 to 15 minutes to convince them that it was their sun and that there was nothing wrong. They also inquired why I was there at an awkward time and that if I was detained from the hostel!!!

We slept around 5 am and around 11 am I went to vote. Then, after some formal checks, I was there and the electronic voting machine welcomed me. It was just pressing a switch and the excitement was over! I thought if I had been here, after facing so many of troubles for just pressing a button!! I will never forget the first voting experience of my life……..

[Published in The Indian Express in March 2004]


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