Ph.D. Entrance In India

UGC - Universities Grants Commission has decided to introduced entrance exam for Ph.D. (Doctorate of Philosophy) in all the Universities across India in all the disciplines/faculties. Hmmm....sounds interesting.

Here, in this blog entry, I will try to analyze:(Disclaimer: So, needless to say, the below mentioned opinions are of my own only and they are based on my perception, rather than, any research)

1. What could have been the reasons for introducing entrance for Ph.D.?
2. What would be its impact on teachers teaching in the University systems?
3. What could be its far reaching effects in case the new system continues to exist for a long time?
4. How does it affect the UGC's NET qualification?

Let us discuss them one by one.

1. What could have been the reasons for introducing entrance for Ph.D.?: The prima facie reason seems to be having a mechanism to ensure that the deserving candidates get the chance to do Ph.D. rather than those who "know" the guides! This is what has happened so far. The deserving candidates would not get a chance to do Ph.D. while non-deserving candidates would often acquire the degree as he/she may "know" the guide.

Another reason for this test was to check the attitude and aptitutde of the people looking forward to doing the Ph.D. The entrance is going to test the research skills, English language skills, General Reasoning Skills and the subject knowledge. So, it can be assumed those who clear entrance have basic attitude and aptitude to pursue Ph.D.

As new rules say that now the University will decide under which guide which student (who clear entrance of course) would do Ph.D. the older devil's chain under which a guide will give preference to a person who 'knows' him would be broken as now both, the guide and the research scholar, cannot join hands as their fate would be in the University's hands. Still, though, people who have influence over the University system may be able to crack the system. But still, this is better than previous position.

2. What would be its impact on teachers teaching in the University systems?: Its impact on the teachers working in the University system will not be immediate. Though over a period of long time, the teachers who have not got Ph.D. degree will have to prepare themselves from the scratch. Unfortunately, those who hold the degree and are in government departments, will continue to enjoy themselves. Yes, the recognized guides will have to publish papers to retain their credit.

3. What could be its far reaching effects in case the new system continues to exist for a long time?: If this is implemented seriously over a period of long time, the system will ensure that India churnsout really good Ph.D.s

4. How does it affect the UGC's NET qualification?: NET holders(as far as I know) are exempted from appearing from entrance to Ph.D. exam. Moreoever, now if one wants to be a college/University teacher, one will have to have a Ph.D. with entrance or one will have to qualify for NET+Ph.D. So the old rule where it was NET/Ph.D. is practically removed. NET's importance increases with these new rules.

Last words: There is also provision that the guide and the research scholar will have to publish two International papers in refreed and peerreviwed ISSN journals during the time of Ph.D. and that the thesis would be uploaded in PDF format on UGC website. So, those doing Copy Paste job will be in trouble!


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