Are you there:) / :( ????

UFO-> Unidentified Flying Object

Flying Saucer


The Wow Signal

E = MC2 (Square)


Stephen Hawkins

Albert Einstein




I am sure all of you are aware of some of the terms listed above...and also that this blog entry is about the aliens, the extraterrestrial life.

The question if aliens exist or not has always been an exciting issue to many people around. Films, stories, animations and so on..there are so many things based on it.

The million dollar question is: do the aliens exist?

Well, let us start the discussion with the fact that the earth is a rare exception in the whole cosmos (at least, one of the rarest). Because it is located exactly at the distance from the sun so that temperature for living substances is perfect. If the earth were too near or too far from the sun, either the atmosphere would have bee too cold or too hot which would not have allowed the life on the earth.

How many such exceptions do you think may exist in this cosmos? I am sure even the best of the statisticians (say the exceptional ones) will also find it difficult to answer this exceptional question! It is because there are trillions of stars and planets there and so are the galaxies...

The debate over whether the aliens exist or not is unending. The communities of scientists are divided on it. Passive scientists say that because the life's existence on earth is due to series of coincidences, imagining that the same could have replicated elsewhere seems to be difficult. They argue that even if the aliens might exist, still they would not be able to reach the earth as the distance between planets is too much to cross. They also go on arguing that if such aliens exist and have visited the earth, why would they hide themselves from us? It is very difficult to believe, according such scientists, that such aliens visit the earth only to pass the time or for fun! And, if such advanced aliens exist, they better not visit the earth, given that their technology would be far more superior to ours and they are unlikely to be friendly to us as friendship between unequal is a rarity as such!

Those who favour the logic that the aliens exist argue that as such the rules of physics are going to applied equally to every place in the universe as the whole universe is governed by the same laws of physics. So, according to this school of thought, mere presence of water at any planet does increase the probability of existence of life there. And, there have been proofs of existence of water on the Mars as well as on the Europa. So, if there are n number of planets in n number of galaxies, the probability of existence of life through series of coincidences (like the earth) increases a lot. (Any statistician who can find such probability?!)

For me, I believe the second school of thought (though I am not a scientist by profession or qualification) because I do believe that in so many planets, life on one planet is quite possible. Contacting them, though, would be very difficult as this life form may be too far to contact. It is very difficult to send a message to a community which may even some hundred light years away.

One more interesting aspect of this discussion is that even if the aliens are watching us today (let us say from 200 light years away), what would they be actually seeing?! The year 2011 - today's earth? No! The answer is they will be watching the year 1811! Because the scenes of 200 years would reach there only at the speed of light after 200 years. In other words, they will be able to watch year 2011 when for us, year 2211 would be going on! Ha ha! And, vice versa is applicable to us if we can spot them!

Some scientists argue that the wormholes provide a possible shortcut to space and time and may, one day, allow us to reach such places!

If we examine the impact of this so called aliens on the people at large, it is quite exciting to note that people actually love to believe that aliens exist. Most of the cases where a claim was made of an encounter with aliens, have been proven to be an illusion or misconception only.

The commercial people have taken enough advantage of the aliens though! From Mars Attacks to the Independence Day and from Mission to Mars to District 9, the aliens have always been friendly to Hollywood (and now a day even Bollywood too) film makers. Some scientists (referred to as passive ones in this discussion earlier), argue that actually such commercial people always want to ensure that people always talk about aliens, read about UFO and experience such stuff as it keeps their business alive. Many websites, magazines etc also depend on such business.

The existence of aliens is like the existence of ghosts...for those who believe they exists - they exist for those who don't-they don't.....

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this blog entry are only opinions of the author and are not based on any scientific research and reference made to any community or person is coincidental and unintentional only. If the blog hurts anyone's feelings, the author feels sorry for that and renders unconditional apology in advance.

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