Start of Spirituality

The original blog entry is available at

It has been re posted here as I would like to update this blog too and why not share my blog entry in both my blogs??

Hello! I used to write a blog - it still exists today but I have not updated it for last three years now. Please don't ask what went (right or wrong) during those three years, but somehow, I just stopped updating that blog.
But, thankfully, Speakingtree has awakened the blogger in me! And I hope the same speakingtree will - one day- AWAKEN ME TOO!
Off late, I have been highly impressed with three sects / religions - Sufism, Buddhism and Jainism. While, I would avoid categorising myself belonging to any particular faith / religion - still for those readers - for whom it matters very much - I am a Hindu.
I had read somewhere that one of the tenents of Sufism is that every person represents some form of God. In other words, God exists in all of us and every human being, regardless his / her being Hindu, Muslim, Budhhist, Indian, American, Pakistani... That implies that whenever you look at a person, he / she represents God in one or another form and it simply means you cannot hate him / her or curse him / her. God is me and in you and hence....keeping this basic simple fact in mind will prevent you from misbehaving with anyone around -- even if he / she misbehaves with you.
Other tenet of Sufism, as I understand it, is that we shoud continuously behave as if God were watching us 24X7. For example, a kid in the examination will hall will be afraid of copying due to the presence of a supervisor - same way - if you can makeout that THE SUPREME SUPERVISOR is watching you all the time - you will avoid doing anything wrong. That will change your behaviour in a long run.
Let me tell you, I have tried to practise these two principles, but somehow, am not able to practise them fully. As soon as its EFFECT gets over, I am back to square! So, of course, like any spiritual practise, these practises are also easier said than done! But, I hope I will be able to master it someday and that day, I am sure, I will achieve the SUPREME KNOWLEDGE!!!!
One the last node, as you can see, there are still lost of Is, Mes, Myes, in the above blogspot. First of all, everyone of us (starting from "me") will have to get rid of these Issss!!!
Hope you enjoyed the post. Do share your feedback / comments.

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