An Introduction to Reiki

Disclaimer: Reiki is not a scientific system like Allopathy and hence its usefulness etc. is controversial.
Still, millions of people have claimed to have been benefited by it; hence we will discuss only the fundamentals of this art.
It requires years of practice to master the art of Reiki. This blog post contains mere compilation from various sources about Reiki. The sources have been duly acknowledged too.

What is Reiki? The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy".

So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy.

( AQ/WhatIsReiki.html" )

Reiki is a holistic treatment targeting body, mind and spirit.
Can heal almost all known ailments.
Reiki is not “taught”, it is “transferred” in the classes of Reiki by master to the disciple.
It does not require special ability or IQ to learn it.
You need not believe in any God etc. to learn Reiki.
Reiki is not a religion.

Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, recommended that one practice certain simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony, which are nearly universal across all cultures.
One must take responsibility and interest in Reiki practices if it were to be successful.
One’s commitment decides the success of Reiki for one’s self.
Five Reiki Principles:

Just for today, I will not be angry.
Just for today, I will not worry.
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Just for today, I will do my work honestly
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
http://www.reiki-for-holistic-- es.html
The aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds the human body (Human Energy Field-HEF) and every organism and object in the Universe.
Reiki is a healing practice that originated in Japan.

Reiki practitioners place their hands lightly on or just above the person receiving treatment, with the goal of facilitating the person’s own healing response.


Practise: Reiki is based on the idea that there is a universal (or source) energy that supports the body’s innate healing abilities. Practitioners seek to access this energy, allowing it to flow to the body and facilitate healing.
In a Reiki session, the client lies down or sits comfortably, fully clothed.
The practitioner’s hands are placed lightly on or just above the client’s body, palms down, using a series of 12 to 15 different hand positions. Each position is held for about 2 to 5 minutes, or until the practitioner feels that the flow of energ experienced as sensations such as heat or tingling in the hands—has slowed or stopped.
The number of sessions depends on the health needs of the client. Typically, the practitioner delivers at least four sessions of 30 to 90 minutes each. The duration of Reiki sessions may be shorter in certain health care settings (for example, during surgery).
Practitioners with appropriate training may perform Reiki from a distance, that is, on clients who are not physically present in the office or clinic.

Effects and Safety

Clients may experience a deep state of relaxation during a Reiki session. They might also feel warm, tingly, sleepy, or refreshed.
Reiki appears to be generally safe, and no serious side effects have been reported.
If you are thinking about Using Reiki

Do not use Reiki as a replacement for proven conventional care or to postpone seeing a doctor about a medical problem.
Find out about the Reiki practitioner’s background, including training and experience treating clients.

Be aware that Reiki has not been well studied scientifically, but research on whether and how Reiki may work is under way.
Tell your health care providers about any complementary and alternative practices you use. Give them a full picture of what you do to manage your health. This will help ensure coordinated and safe care.

Chakras are Entry Gates of the Aura.
Within the physical body resides a body double, a spiritual body, that contains the Chakras.
http://www.reiki-for-holistic-- aling.html
According to the traditional writings there are 88,000 chakras in the human body covering basically every area in the body. The majority of them are small and insignificant. 40 of them have significant function and they are in the hands, feet, fingertips, and shoulders.
The most significant ones are the Seven Main Chakras located along the central line of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are located in the ethereal body and they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane.
7th Chakra – Crown – Thought, Universal identity, Knowingess (violet)

The ‘crown chakra’ relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is located at the top of the head. It is our connection to the collective consciousness and the greater world beyond. It is believed that this is where the soul enters the physical body at birth and departs at the time of death.

When balanced and developed this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, & harmony.
http://thethirstysoul.- com/reiki/chakras-reiki/
6th Chakra – Third Eye – Light, Archetypal identity, Intuition (indigo) – The Spirit of Clarity and Psychic Awareness

This chakra is known as the brow chakra or ‘third eye’ center. It is located slightly above and between the eye brows. Its main function is the centre of inner vision. This chakra is the place of intuition and soul knowledge. As such it opens our psychic and spiritual awareness faculties as well as our understanding of archetypal levels. When in balance it allows us to have insight and knowledge.
5th Chakra – Throat – Sound, Creative identity, self-blue) – The Spirit of Truth & Expression

This is the chakra located at the throat and is related to communication, self expression and creativity. It allows for free communication helping us feel centered and happy. It also helps us while we are meditating to connect with our higher guidance.

The chakra is connected to your inner self and is deeply connected to the soul and allows you to listen as your soul speaks.
4th Chakra – Heart – Love, Compassion, Social identity, self-acceptance (Green) – The Spirit of Evolution (New Beginnings)

The ‘heart chakra’ is located at the center of your chest. It is related to love and compassion. The chakra connects the lower ego/physical self to the higher soul/spiritual self. In balance our fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, and feel a deep sense of peace and centeredness. We allow ourselves to love unconditionally.
3rd Chakra – Solar Plexus – Desire, Personal Power (Yellow) – Spirit of Knowledge and Wisdom

The ‘solar plexus’ chakra is known as the ‘power chakra’, located at the solar plexus. Its main function is to supply energy in the form of heat, power and enthusiasm. It rules our consciousness of decision, creative expression, personal power, will and autonomy, as well as our metabolism.

When in balance this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity and we become aware of divine guidance flowing into our lives.
2nd Chakra – Sacral- Creativity, Manifestation, Emotional identity (Orange) – The Spirit of Health and Purity

The ‘sacral chakra’ is located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs. It relates to the water element and our emotions and sexuality. Its main function is to provide a sense of self – our inner self/inner child. It is the source of creativity and inspiration. This chakra controls our appetite for sensation, be it through sound, smell, taste, touch or sight. Ideally this chakra brings us depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and the ability to accept change.

1st Chakra – Root – Support, Survival, Grounding (Red) – The Spirit of Life
The ‘root chakra’ is located at the base of the spine and forms our foundation. It represents the element earth and is related to our survival instincts (food, shelter and protection). It stimulates the urge for us to take care of and stand up for ourselves, in order to stay alive.

It appeals to our sense of grounding and connection to our physical bodies and physical world. Ideally this chakra brings us security and presence in the here and now.
Reiki Level 1

Level 1 is a practitioner's initiation into Reiki and is open to anyone. The focus during Level 1 is on opening the energy channels on a physical level, allowing the practitioner to connect to the universal life force energy, which flows from the cosmos through the crown of the head and down to the heart and hands.
http://www.mindbodygreen- .com/0-16353/the-3-levels-of-r- eiki-what-are-they-what-do-the- y-mean.html
Reiki Level 2

Level 2 is often defined by a focus on practicing Reiki on others, as well as an expanded opening of the energy channels. Additionally students receive the "Reiki symbols" and Level 2 attunement. The Reiki symbols allow the practitioner to connect more deeply to the universal energy, as well as draw on the qualities that the symbols represent. This includes the ability to provide distance Reiki, or sending healing energy to individuals wherever they may be.
Reiki Level 3

In many courses, the Third Degree and Reiki Master are the same designation.

However some teachers separate Level 3 from Reiki Master, in order to emphasize the difference between receiving the Master attunement, from being trained in attuning new students or practitioners.

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