How to Crack the Psychometric Assessement (Personality Type)

(A) Introduction: As the selection methods (like Group Discussions and Interviews) become more scientific, the importance of personality profiling using the psychometric tests is increasing even more. Although there are many types of pyschometric tests, including the ones that measure numeric ability, verbal reasoning etc, the one that I want to focus today is the personality variant of the psychometric tests.

(B) What is a personality test (assessment) (also called psychometric test by many recruiters in India)?: With reference to selection of an applicant for any role, the personality test(s), is/are used to determine, whether the candidate's personality matches with the role or not (job-person fit exists or not). So, practically speaking, this test will not test your knowledge or skills for the job (That would be tested in the interview or group discussion or by other selection methods). The personality test will try and match your personality with the role that you are going to play. For example, a person who loves to help others and is sociable may be fit for a teacher's job, but may not fit an accountant's job.

The words - "psychometric test" and "psychometric assessment" are different. But, we will use them interchangably to maintain the pragmatic focus of the blog post. Though the focus is on "psychometric assessment". 

(C) There are NO "RIGHT" or "WRONG" ANSWERS: In a typical aptitude test, there may be right or wrong answers. The case is not the same with the personality tests. Here, the answers that you select for every question, generally, gets corelated with all other answers that you give, to see the "reliability" (consistency, lesser deviation) of your each answer. For example, you select "Strong Agree" to one of the qustions, asking you to rate your honesty. But, in other question, you select "Neutral" to the same type of question (like would you lie to help someone?), that will not go well with the assessor of the test. 

So, do not try to select "right" answer when appearing for this type of of test. Rather, select "consistent" answer.

(D) Should I try to "cheat" such an assessment?: The answer is "NO". It is because these tests will "reject" for a "role" (job), if you are not psychologically fit for that. So, theoratically, you better no go for a role, which does not befit your psychology.

Second thing is, it is not very easy to cheat such tests. And in trying to do so, you may end up damaging your chances of getting selected.

The final word of advice is to read each question properly and think through and try to give as honest answers as possible.

Hope this small and intorductory piece of text on assessement test will be useful.

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