I met God

"Oh God!", "Jesus!", "Hey Ram!", "Ya Allah!" are some of the typical reaactions to an uncanny situations. people remember God and view God differnetly. Some goto temples / mosques / churchs, some meditate, some do charity and so on. But very rarely people accept they have seen God or met God!

But, if God is (or were) everywhere, how come very few people have met him!

I've met God many times........ No no, don't jump to any conclusions as I have not witnessed any kind of miraculous SAKSHATKAR (Face-To-Face meeting with God)!

Actually, for me and most of us, let us say, God comes in various forms.

He may come in the form of mother, father, friend, colleauge, neighbour etc. But, we do not recognize him. Whenever we are in trouble, anyone who offers help is a form of God. Whenever we are confused, and someone offers guidance, that someone is a form of God. And this way, I have met many forms of God
Why should we expect the God visits us in some special form or some special clothes or at some special space or some special time only?

I am sure, after reading this tiny piece of blog, you will also agree that you have also met God many times...

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