Meaning of Mantras...

Dear All,

We chant many mantras. And for good reasons. They bring peace, fortune and help us being spiritual. But, I wonder, how many of us, actually know the meaning of these mantras.

So, let me share the meaning of some famous mantras: (This is mere compilation - sources have been acknowledged as far as possible as I cannot take credit for someone's work)

Om Namah Shivay: I bow down to Lord Shiva

Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra: We Meditate on the Three-eyed reality which permeates and nourishes all like a fragrance. May we be liberated from death for the sake of immortality, Even as the cucumber is severed from bondage to the creeper. (copy+pasted from:

Gayatri Mantra: O Divine mother, our hearts are filled with darkness. Please make this darkness distant from us and promote illumination within us. (Source:

Om Tat Sat Tu: Om Thou art that, Thou art Narayana, God, in the form of man;
Thou art the Embodiment of perfection and the perfect master;
Thou art enlightened Buddha; Thou art Subramanya and Ganesha, the remover of obstacles;
Thou art the Sun-fire;
Thou art Brahma, the Creator; Mazda, the Great One;
Thou art Jehovah and the Divine Mother, the creative Energy;
O Lord! Thou art the Father of Jesus;
Thou art Rudhra, the Transformer, and Vishnu, the Preserver;
Thou art Rama and Krishna;
Thou art Rahim, all kindness, always giving and expanding;
Thou art the Tao;
Thou art Vasudeva, the Sustenance of all, omnipotent and omnipresent;
Thou art Hari, Destroyer of illusion, the blissful Spirit;
Thou art unparallelled, beyond time and fearless of adversities;
Thou art Shiva, Creator of the lingam, Symbol of the formless Absolute. 

Shri Ram Chandra Kripalu Bhajman:

O mind! Revere the benign Shri Ramachandra, who removes 'Bhava' the worldly sorrow or pain, 'Bhaya' the fear, and 'Daruna' the scarcity or poverty.
Who has fresh lotus eyes, lotus face and lotus hands, feet like lotus and like the rising sun. ॥1॥
His beauty exceeds innumerable Kaamdevs (Cupids). He is like a newly formed beautiful blue cloud. The yellow robe on his body appears like delightful lightening.
He is the consort of the daughter of Sri Janak (Sri Sita), the embodiment of sacredness.॥2॥
O mind, sing praises of Sri Ram, friend of the poor. He is the lord of solar dynasty. He is the destroyer of demons and devils and their race.
He is descendant of Sri Raghu. He is of the form of concentrated bliss. He gives joy to Ayodhya like a moon. He is the son of Sri Dashrath.॥3॥
He wears crown on his head, pendants on his ear and tilak (crimson mark) on his forehead. All his organs are beautiful and well decorated by ornaments.
His arms reach his knees. He holds a bow and an arrow. He emerged victorious in the battle with demons Khar and Dushan.॥4॥
Thus says Sri Tulsidas – O Sri Ram, the charmer of Lord Shiv, Sri Shesh and saints,
reside in the lotus of my heart and destroy all the evils and their associates like desires.॥5॥


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