Tips to young start-ups for selecting the right candidates

 if you are a young start up, here are some inputs for selecting candidates

These are long term measures. Hire good consultants if you can't manage.

1. Thoroughly check background. Talk to the company where the student did internships in UG/PG.
2. Thoroughly check Instagram and LinkedIn profiles and dig out things likes comments, posts, photographs etc.
3. Try to talk to the placement team of college for each identified candidate.
4. Use a lot of behavioral questions in an interview. They are good at digging out the hidden aspects of candidate's real job behavior.
5. Not easy, but check credit history, if possible.
6. Enter the name of the student in Google and see what comes out.
7. Position your company as one of the best companies to work for in campuses of your choice.
8. Selecting a candidate is like investment. You take risk and hope he will perform well. But, there is always a risk reward ratio at play. So avoid taking blind risk i.e. only considering his talent will be an error. Do make sure if candidate will stay for some long time.
9. Catch them young: Identify potential candidate as they enter the workforce right from sem 1. There are means and ways to do it. Then keep a tab on the potential ones as they progress. Social media is one platform to do this, but not the best one. Human intelligence is still rocking!
10. Keep an Excel Sheet record of point 9 above of all the potential candidates. It will act as your own simple Applicant Tracking System in the long run.
11. Hire MBA semester 2 students as summer interns to see if they are fit for being hired full time in future.

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