Peace....What and How?

 #pv_diaries #experience #mindfulness #beauty #peaceofmind #visualization #stressmanagement #stress #philosophy

What is Peace?
Peace is a state of mind. An understanding that you are merely 'an observer', who is doing acting on the roles, he/she has been assigned. In fact, all others around you, are like that only.

They are also playing a part in your life. That's why the one, who is 'good' today, becomes 'bad' tomorrow. Or you are 'good' for someone today and will become 'bad' tomorrow.

Heroes becoming villains, friends becoming foes, somebody becoming nobody are just the phases of this illusion. None is good or bad. It the role that they have been asked to play in your life's movie. The same way, you have also been asked to play a role in those people's lives.

You call it by the name of Karma, luck, law of attraction or any other fancy name. The fact is, we all are caught in this web(s). Many of us know that already but either we tend to "enjoy" the loop or seems to be ignorant about it. (I fall in the earlier category, seems to be "enjoying" the loop, and unable to break it).

Like the film starts do not take their roles seriously, after the movie or shooting is over, it is also important to stop playing these roles, for at least, a few minutes to an hour or two. That can be achieved by any method of meditation (a bit hard, can't learn truly without a Guru, I tried on my own but failed miserably), mindfulness, relaxation (visualization, acupuncture, hypnosis etc.) , hobby (I write, you can sing, dance, play games and so on), visiting temples or any religious places (it works for me), reading positive books (works for me), extensive physical exercise or simply doing nothing! It requires practice, a lot patience and passion.

Method is not important. Peace is. Silence is the first step (not muteness) towards that. It is about an experience. Once you "taste" and "test" this experience, your peace will be a function of your inner world and not the outer world. YOU will be the owner of your peace and not someone AN OUTSIDER. But when I criticise you, it is not your criticism, it is my own! The same goes with when I praise you. As they say, the beauty lies in....

Remember, in order to be at peace forever (in general), you have to be a master of your mind and then forget that too!

Be your own beauty, be your own lamp (The Buddha),
because in the end,
it is only you, who has to pay the bill of your lamp (fruits of Karma!)

I have decided to post such more philosophical posts as I feel relieved due to such write-ups.

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