The Six Schools of the Vedas (The Indian Philosophy Darshanas) - Part I - Vaisheshika: (Distinction)
1. Vaisheshika (Distinction) Founder: Kanada (Kashyapa) Other major contributors: Prashastapada, Udayanacharya, and Shridhara Main Philosophical Points: - The Vedas are the complete authority. - Offers insights into naturalism (something that rejects super natural and is near to science and natural world). Kind of atomism (a belief that the world is composed of the small particles called atoms. In the Indian philosophy, the atomic reality is composed of five elements: earth, fire, air, water, space) in natural philosophy - After some time, this school merged with Nyaya (logic) School and later came to be known as Nyaya-Vaisheskhika - Focuses on metaphysics and naturalism. A bit similar to Buddhism in some regards. But unlike the Buddhism, which does not accept the authority of the Vedas, this school accepts the complete authority of the Vedas. - Perception and Inference are two reliable means to knowledge. There are six pramanas (proofs) as epistemically (epistem...