Some Interesting facts about Ramayan

 Some facts about Ramayan:

- It is believed that there are 300 versions of Ramayana exist
- Valmiki's Ramayan is the ORIGINAL Ramayan. Valmiki is called 'Adi Kavi' (The First Poet) for that reason.
- The Buddhist version of Ramayan is called 'Dasarata Jataka'
- Cambodia’s Ramayana version is called Reamker (Ramakerti–Ram + Kirti/glory)
- The leading four popular versions, apart from Valmiki and Tulsi Ramayan, are: Dasaratha Jakarta: The Buddhist version, Paumachariya: The Jaina version, Gond Ramayani: The Gond version, Ramakien: The Thai version.
- In many versions, Sita Mata's abduction is not narrated. In some, king Dashratha himself sends Ram and Mata Sita to the forest.
- Some interesting facts about Valmiki Ramayan:
@It is composed of 24,000 verses
@It has seven Kandas (Bālakāṇḍa, Ayodhyakāṇḍa, Araṇyakāṇḍa, Kiṣkindakāṇḍa, Sundarākāṇḍa, Yuddhakāṇḍa, Uttarakāṇḍa) and 500 chapters (sargas)
@Lord Ram was 27 when he left for the exile
@Jatayu's father Arun tried to save Mata Sita not Jatayu
@The famous Laxman Rekha never existed in Valmiki Ramayana. Its reference is found in Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas.
@Rama was depicted as a human being in Valmiki Ramayana. He was shown, as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, in Ramcharitmanas.
@Valmiki Ramayan ends when Lord Ram takes his life. In Tulsidas Ramayan, the end comes with the birth of Lav and Kush.
-Ramcharitmanas, written by Tulsidas, is written in Avadhi, and not Sanskrit,so that the masses can take the benefit of this wonderful epic. He gives a clear disclaimer that he had written Ramcharitmanas, primarily, using his own poetic discretion. It has also seven Kandas like Valmiki Ramayan. It is based on a divine dialogue between Lord Shiv and Mata Parvati. Ramcharitmanas essentially means "Lake of the deeds of Rama". So, Ramcharitmanas is essentially for those, who want to do the Bhakti (worshipping) of Lord Rama, understand His character (and personality), idolize Him in life. It does not mean that Valmiki Ramayan cannot bless you with the divine Bhakti of Rama, as it is the most authentic Ramayana, but Ramcharitmanas' micro focus on the deeds of Rama and His character, make it a perfect epic, for those, who are devoted to Lord Ram as their ist devata (personal deity).

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