The Scientific Stress Management Series

 The Scientific Stress Management Series.

Stress is as old as the mankind. It is more of a serious disease in the 21st century. It is one of the most written about topic, and yet, probably, is a topic, on which some of the highest number of wrong assumptions are accepted as facts by many of us around.
So, I, as someone, who is pursuing his research degree in Stress Management, thought, it'd be a good idea to write a dedicated series of posts on this topic.
All these posts can be viewed on:
I know, in today's world of ChatGPT, writing is not one of the most important things to do! But then, it is something, that relieves my stress, and, so, I thought, let me keep doing it in a detached manner (nishkam karma).
So, the first thing fist. Do you even 'know' whether you are stressed or not? Are you even ready to acknowledge that you have it and there could be serious consequences of that unacknowledged, and thus, unmanaged / unaddressed stress?
One thing, that is given the most, and accepted the least, in this world, the one, which is not valued enough to pay the fees for? It is AN ADVICE. When people around us (not all) realize that we are going through some stressful experience, they become advisers, counselors and even psychiatrists! Typical advice given include - do meditation, do exercise, laugh a lot, spend time with friends, visit temple / mosques and so on. Some of them may go on boasting about how they themselves managed a certain stressful situation. Some narcists may even try to convince you that your pain is nothing compared to theirs! PLEASE KEEP AWAY FROM THESE WELL WISHERS! You are digging your own grave if you listen to them.
It should be well understood that stress is a condition, that can be managed in DIY (Do it Yourself) mode up to some extent. Beyond a point, you need professional help. You need counseling from a psychiatrist, who is qualified to do the job. Please keep yourself away from THE SELF PROCLAIMED PSYCHOLOGISTS, who are rarely qualified to speak on this matter, forget about advising.
Then, you have all right to ask me, why the hell am I writing on this topic, when I am not qualified to write about it? Well, it is because, it is something, I teach, I preach and also practise. I will never claim to be able to provide any counseling or medical advice, because I am simply not qualified for that.
But, one motivation to write about it, comes from the fact that, there are just too many misconceptions about stress and stress management. The series of blog posts / articles, that I am planning to pen, is just an effort to increase the awareness about the scientific aspects related to that. All this is primarily being written for educational purposes only.
So, stay tuned. In the next post, I will write about how to SCIENTICALLY KNOW, if you are really suffering from stress, or stress related disorders.
See you around.

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