

#pv_diaries #pv_diaries_on_stress #sprituality #mentalhealth #peace
Healing. Today, I am going to talk about healing. May be because, I am healing. Or may be because, at least, I have gained consciousness that I am trying to be healing. Yes, it has begun somewhere. It is beautiful. It is poetic. It is mystic. And no, this is not mere word play, it is just a one percent of what I am realizing.
The dictionary definition of healing is to become healthy again, may be after a cut or an injury. That definition is not wrong. As such, there is nothing wrong in this world, as long as there is nothing wrong with me!
The physical cut or injury shall 'heal' prima facie. It may leave a scar, at the most, but it might stop giving "pain". The pain, that was uncomforting. The pain, that was disturbing.
But when the scar is deep, deep inside. It does not heal that easily. May be because it has injured you where it hurts the most. That could be anything. Any event, any person, or even nothing! But, there are injuries, which remain there. They do not heal. They keep on giving pain and not let the sufferings end.
But then, as Rumi says, "Wound is the place, from where the light enters body". Rumi is right. Like all of us, he is never wrong. But his rightness is more deep, more healing, more truthful and more enlightening. Wounds are the places from where the light enters body.
But, hey, stop! Did you ever realise that it could also be that the wound might have been something, that let the "self" find the light, hidden inside. It was kept locked in a corner. May be a dark corner. May be that light wanted to enlighten you and make you shine like a star. It just required to be released.
The problem was, I knew about it. I had always known about it. But I chose to keep it under wraps. I ignored it. I kept ignoring it till I needed it the most. Till I started suffering. Till my wounds stopped healing. I had made a choice. Yes, it was my choice. A choice not to heal. A choice not to shine. A choice not to let the light inside come out.
But, it was a cut, a wound, that cut open that corner, where I had kept the light hidden. It chose to help me. Yes, that wound chose to help me to heal. To let me realise that I was already enlightened. That the world is a beautiful place. That, I am beautiful. And that beauty shall never fade. It shall always shine, it shall always illuminate and it shall always keep healing. It will never go out of fuel. Because it is permanent. Because it is divine.
The wound or the cut then, made me decide to heal. It taught me to leave the wounds alone and let the light inside do its job. It taught me to be still. Just observe. And have faith.
Because in the end, wounds heal. They are meant to heal. They exist to be healed. They heal something more than themselves. They heal me. They heal you. Because, it is their (wonds') destiny to make me heal. And finally, it is my destiny to be healed. The question is of time.

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