

Source: ILO doesn't clock in to Narayana Murthy's 70-hour work week model - The Economic Times (indiatimes.com)

Even a reputed body like ILO now makes it clear that 40 hours per week is the agreed upon formula, decided way back in 1921, to which, India is also a signatory. Nowhere in the world, 70 hour per week is the norm.

The questions, that need to be answered, who are employers and supporting this argument of 70 hours work per week are:

1. Will you increase the salary proportionately to the increased working hours?
2. Will you take the responsibility (including the financial) of the burnout that this type of work schedule bring to your employees?
3. Many current best practices and labor laws may not permit this type of work schedule, will you take the responsibility for such a compliance?
4. What do you have to say about ILO's remark?, "Impact on productivity
As per the ILO, the premise that long working hours result in high productivity is a myth. "In fact, working excessively long hours on a regular basis has been shown to reduce hourly productivity due to greater fatigue, and those workers with long hours and/or heavy workloads report decreasing job satisfaction and motivation and also higher rates of absenteeism and staff turnover," he said, quoting the ILO report of 2018 on the working time and future o .."

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