Presiding Officers' Duty - 1: What all to take with yourselves at duty

 [A] Introduction: As the presiding officers are to stay at the booth for two day, one night, they need to carry certain items for personal comfort. The Election Commission of India will provide almost everything, but still, there are a few items, that you will have to carry, for a smooth experience and functioning.

[B] Part one: Items to carry:

1. Medicines like Paracetamol, Vomiting, Diarrhea, ORS packets, Glucose Powder etc.

2. Keep one big plastic bottled water in the freezer of your refrigerator and take with you in duty. This ice will last for more than 24 hours as it melts and offers cold drinking water. 

3. Min one pair of clothes.

4. Extra handkerchiefs 

5. Mobile phone and charger. Do carry one fully charged power bank if possible.

6. Match box and candles (one or two)

7. Cash

8. Identity cards, like voter id card or Aadhar card

9. Blue, red and black pens and one pencil

10. Stapler, punching machine

11. Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Toilet Soap, Hand Sanitizer

12. Bedsheets - two

13. Packets of snacks like wafer, biscuits etc.

14. Cutter, Sellotape

15. Election orders and material

16. One set of lock and key

17. Threads

18. Avoid taking torch, as the mobile flash light generally takes care of that.

19. Do carry one extra stand by, fully charged phone, with one extra sim. It may be helpful in emergencies. 

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