
Showing posts from May, 2017

I met God

"Oh God!", "Jesus!", "Hey Ram!", "Ya Allah!" are some of the typical reaactions to an uncanny situations. people remember God and view God differnetly. Some goto temples / mosques / churchs, some meditate, some do charity and so on. But very rarely people accept they have seen God or met God! But, if God is (or were) everywhere, how come very few people have met him! I've met God many times........ No no, don't jump to any conclusions as I have not witnessed any kind of miraculous SAKSHATKAR (Face-To-Face meeting with God)! Actually, for me and most of us, let us say, God comes in various forms. He may come in the form of mother, father, friend, colleauge, neighbour etc. But, we do not recognize him. Whenever we are in trouble, anyone who offers help is a form of God. Whenever we are confused, and someone offers guidance, that someone is a form of God. And this way, I have met many forms of God Why should we expect the God visits us ...

Biocentric Universe and Koan -- A Synergistic View

"We don't see the things as they are, we them as we are" - Anais Nin. What a beautiful quote (as I see it!) Recently, I came across a very exciting concept called Biocentric Universe ( Biocentric_universe) As you can read in the Wikipedia article, this concept argues that  (once again - as I see it!) - the Universe, as we know it, isn't the only reality of Universe. It just one FORM of Universe. He further argues to support this concent by giving two examples. One, if a tree falls in a forest, and there is no one around - then the noise that that tree fall makes, actually does not happen because there is no one to listen to it. It means there is noise of tree fall only and only if someone is there to hear it. The same way the colors of the things that we see - the animals see different colors in the same things because of the difference in the bodily system. So, whose view of the world is right, ours' or animals'. It is also w...

Applied Spirituality

Whenever we read about spiritual scriptures, as I would not prefer to use the word religion scriputures, we sometimes get bogged down with heavy philosophical reasoning (some of us may accept it and some may deny it).  By no means, I claim that whatever is preached in great scriptures is useless, but many times, it may be too difficult to comprehend for a layman like me. So, being a Management Teacher, I thought, rather than gathering lots of knowledge, why not try and apply these preaching in day to day life? Of course, it is impossible to imbibe everything, but we can pick one principle and start applying it. In short, rather than learning a lot and applying nothing, wouldn't it be better to try to apply whatever little known to us in day to day life? So, I started to apply some of the following principles-primarily most of them preached by Buddha - in day to day life and I feel that I am changing for better Of course, it is just a start but yes, I am feeling the good effects...

An Introduction to Reiki

Disclaimer: Reiki is not a scientific system like Allopathy and hence its usefulness etc. is controversial. Still, millions of people have claimed to have been benefited by it; hence we will discuss only the fundamentals of this art. It requires years of practice to master the art of Reiki. This blog post contains mere compilation from various sources about Reiki. The sources have been duly acknowledged too. What is Reiki? The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy. ( AQ/WhatIsReiki.html" ) Reiki is a holistic treatment targeting body, mind and spirit. Can heal almost all known ailments. Reiki is not “taught”, it is “transferred” in the classes of Reiki by master to the disciple. It does not require special ability or IQ to learn it. You need not believe in any God etc. t...

A Gujarati Poem...


A Gujarati Poem....


A Gujarati Poem...


A Gujarati Poem...

શબ્દો નો સંદર્ભ નહી ગોત,મિત્રતા નો અર્થ નહીં ગોત,સાચું ખોટું શુ છે એનો સ્રોત નહીં ગોત,જીવનનો મર્મ નહીં ગોત.અર્થ મા અનર્થ નહીં ગોત,ભક્તિ મ સ્વાર્થ નહીં ગોત,કેટલાય આવ્યાં ને ગયા,તુ ઇશ્વર નો સાક્ષાત્કાર નહીં ગોત.પથિક બી. વરિયા

A Gujarati Poem...


What Will You Do With Your First Salary?

My Dear Fellow Young Indians, Welcome! Welcome To The World! The "REAL" World! Now, that you are done with your studies, and are looking forward to entering the "JOB MARKET", you must be having hundreds of plans...plans about the first salary and what will you do with it... May be you will be buying that i-phone, or a new sports bike...or branded jewellery or simply give it to parents / donate it...depends. All of us have plans of what we will do with that first salary. Here, I have some piece of advice (unsolicited, but useful, mind you) for all of you. Please read this blog thoroughly and reflect upon your plan to spend that first salary. If this piece of text can help you take a better informed decision, nothing like that. Here are my suggestions of what you should do with your first salary (not literary speaking the first -- I am trying to refer to your earnings in your first six months' to one year of career). 1. Get a Term Plan: Life is precious...

How to Crack the Psychometric Assessement (Personality Type)

(A) Introduction: As the selection methods (like Group Discussions and Interviews) become more scientific, the importance of personality profiling using the psychometric tests is increasing even more. Although there are many types of pyschometric tests, including the ones that measure numeric ability, verbal reasoning etc, the one that I want to focus today is the personality variant of the psychometric tests. (B) What is a personality test (assessment) (also called psychometric test by many recruiters in India)?: With reference to selection of an applicant for any role, the personality test(s), is/are used to determine, whether the candidate's personality matches with the role or not (job-person fit exists or not). So, practically speaking, this test will not test your knowledge or skills for the job (That would be tested in the interview or group discussion or by other selection methods). The personality test will try and match your personality with the role that you are goi...